“You don’t need to be afraid of death if you know how to practice in death.” 

– 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche

About the movie

On June 11, 2014 the 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche, one of the most prominent Lamas of Tibetan Buddhism, died at the age of 62 right after giving a last course for his disciples in Germany. His body was carried through India and Bhutan to Kathmandu, Nepal, where more than 100.000 people attended the cremation.

A Buddha vanquished death – the auspicious passing of Shamar Rinpoche (working title) is going to be a 90-minutes documentary movie.
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Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche

In the spiritual hierarchy of the Karma Kagyu school, the Shamarpa is second only to the Karmapa. He is the emanation of Amitabha, the Buddha of Limitless Light: a living example of the appearance of Amitabha in our world in the form of a Mahabodhisattva.

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