About the movie

On June 11, 2014 the 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche, one of the most prominent Lamas of Tibetan Buddhism, died at the age of 62 right after giving a last course for his disciples in Germany. His body was carried through India and Bhutan to Kathmandu, Nepal, where more than 100.000 people attended the cremation.

A Buddha vanquished death – the auspicious passing of Shamar Rinpoche (working title) is going to be a 90-minutes documentary movie.

The movie follows the body on its last journey to the cremation in Nepal and shows how auspicious the circumstances of the passing and the journey were. It seems Shamar Rinpoche knew exactly when he would die and has well prepared for the time after his death. The movie tells about the extraordinary live of this outstanding Buddhist Master who as a child had to flee from Tibet and who grew up to be a Lama who helped countless people all over the world.

The Kunzig Shamarpas are said to be emanations of the Buddha of Limitless Light, who in ancient times has created a possibility to transfer one’s mind into a state of complete bliss after death. The movie shows how Shamar Rinpoche used his own death to teach his disciples to be in full control during death themselves. It even seems Shamar Rinpoche showed signs – some might say miracles – after his passing. The team of the movie was able to capture some of those incidents.


June, Renchen-Ulm: Passing of Shamar Rinpoche, Interviews
July-August, Nepal and Europe Center Summer Course:
Preparations, Cremation, Interviews
September, Renchen-Ulm: Interviews

April, Kassel Germany Course: Interviews
May, Renchen-Ulm: Interviews
August, Europe Center Summer Course: Interviews

February, Renchen-Ulm: Stupa inauguration, Interviews
September, Renchen-Ulm: Scenery at the last breakfast
October, Dortmund: Interview
November, Dhagpo: Stupa inauguration, Interviews
December, Cologne: Interview

February, Kathmandu: Relics, Interviews
August, Amden (Switzerland): Interview